I'm still trying to wrap up a few things and catch up from my trip to Illux Con. It was great! I'll post some pix soon. Here's a piece I'm going back into to tweak out a bit. It's nice to work on a smaller painting like this after some of the more recent, larger works that take so long to finish. So another 80+ hours and I should be finished. . . . . . . . . that was an art joke;) I'm not THAT slow. More like 60-70 ish hours.
As I've mentioned I'll be teaching at the Columbus College of Art & Design in Spring. The lesson today is don't bite off more than you can chew. I noticed a lot of ambitious students who were working on giant paintings/drawings but not really finishing them. The quality of the work is more impressive than the size. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.